Monday, November 15, 2010
Mga Mag-uuma sa Probinsya Mikuyog sa Lakbay-Aral sa Misamis Oriental
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Carmen PO's receive Php 1.5 M worth of MRDP Livelihood Projects
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bag-ong Sakit sa Kanding Hugot nga Gibantayan sa Provincial Veterinary Office
Php 68.7 M Irrigation Project sa Marihatag Gi-aprubahan sa Mindanao Rural Development Program
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Mass Graduation sa Farmers' Field School Gihimo sa Gamut, Tago
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tandag FITS Center Invades the Airwaves
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
SOYA The Golden Beans of Surigao del Sur
As a brief background, the province of Surigao del Sur started producing soybean commercially on 1980 firstly in San Miguel and later it expanded to Tago. A variety was introduced which was locally known as Paypay, but was discovered later that it was the Manchuria variety.
During those times, it was Nestle Philippines who used to buy the farmers’ produce. The average production per hectare was three (3) tons when planted during the months of March and April, and to be harvested on the months of July and August (early planters); and two (2) tons per hectare when planted during the months of May and June, and to be harvested on the months of September and October (late planters). The farmers used thirty (30) kilograms seeds for every hectare. The farmers, since their venture in soybeans, do not use fertilizer in their farming operations. These practices mentioned are still used by farmers up to the present (based on farmers’ interview).
There was a time when farmers slowed down their production of soybeans. It was during those years when Nestle Philippines suspended their procurement of soybeans in Surigao del Sur. It was Nestle Philippines who procured the bulk of soybeans in the province.
Land Preparation for commercial soybean production started with the use of the draft animal (carabao and plow); plowing the field two (2) to three (3) times depending on the soil type, each followed by harrowing. By middle of 1990’s, farm tractors arrived. Most of the farmers are now using farm tractors in their land preparation both for corn and soybeans.
Weed Control of the farmers was hand weeding and this is still the practice up to the present although some use selective herbicides. Harvesting was done manually with the use of bolos.
The old practice of the farmers was the manual threshing (the “hampas” system). Later, the multi-purpose thresher was used. The farmers popularly called it Grain master. Until now these are the types of thresher used in the locality.
During the 80’s, soybean farmers were heavy users of pesticides. But when the implementation of IPM-KASAKALIKASAN Program in the province was intensified on the year 1997, the farmers gradually adopted the concept of biological control. They slowly learned about the presence of species of natural enemies in their own fields. Although the program was focused on rice and corn some of the farmers were also planting soybeans. So they applied their knowledge in IPM in their soybean production. Pesticide usage was minimized.
Today, with the increasing demand of soybeans in the country, the farmers are again eager to increase their production areas to meet this demand. Local variety is still being used by the farmers since 1980. Marketing channels are local and transient buyers from neighboring provinces and other regions.
However, in coordination with the Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB) of UP-Los Baños, Laguna; variety trials were conducted in the province. New varieties such as PSB Sy 2 (Tiwala 6); PSB Sy 6 (Tiwala 8); PSB Sy 7 (Tiwala 10); NSIC Sy 9 and AGS 374 are being tested locally. Hopefully, there will be other promising varieties that the farmers can choose from aside from the locally grown soybeans.(FT Pante, Prov’l Soybean Coordinator)